I was asked by Bethany Mcewan, an English teacher at Ritter, to talk to her classes about Satan. I had given a homily about how Satan tries to ensnare us, and as her classes were reading over the Crucible (about the Salem Witch Trials) they had a lot of questions about Satan. Their textbook wasn't much help either, as the "professors" in their book said that Satan was mostly a creation of humanity to keep people under control or to help place the blame for mental illnesses and so forth - it was the same stuff people like that always say.
If Satan is mentioned in our world today, it is mostly as a cartoonish figure with no real power. I titled my talk to the juniors, then, "The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled was Convincing the World He Didn't Exist." That is a quote originally found in a movie called "The Usual Suspects" and I think it contains a lot of wisdom. That helped the young people first of all understand that what the "English professors" are saying about Satan plays right into his hand; they are saying exactly what he wants people to think.
We also talked about how usually people think that you have to worship Satan in order to be doing his work. However, I mentioned that if Satan is the most prideful soul ever, then would he really care if we worshiped him? Of course not. He just wants to wreck God's plan; if he can do that, he is most pleased.
How then does he work? We looked at three clips from the "Passion of the Christ" that feature Satan. All of them are very beautifully done, and are an artist's interpretation alone, but nonetheless they all illustrate the same point - Satan works behind the scenes, manipulating people, and he loves the fact that no one sees him in the shadows pulling strings.
Each of the clips from the "Passion" shows Satan walking or standing just behind the people perpetrating violence. These are two of the clips we looked at:
This may be my favorite clip from any movie - it shows Mary staring Satan down (who is again walking just behind those who are doing his work (in this scene the temple guards and the Sadducees). This is Gibson saying "those who want to see Satan will see him, but you have to know where to look."
Finally, to bring it to the present, I read to them part of the lyrics from an Usher song entitled "My Little Freak." If you want to see what the young people are listening to today, I challenge you to look up those lyrics. I had heard it on the radio a few days earlier, and I knew I needed to speak about it to them. Certainly music has been getting more sexual since the early 1900's, but this song is over the top. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about it whatsoever. I talked to the kids (pretty wide-eyed after hearing me read them the lyrics to their favorite song) about how no one involved in bringing this song about would say "Oh yeah, I worship Satan." Some are motivated by money, some by fame, but I doubt any are motivated by pleasing the Lord of Darkness - and again, that is exactly how he wants it. May we spot the Prince of Darkness in the midst of all of his deception, and may our young people fight the good fight!
Thank you for setting up this blog. We look forward to reading it! We really appreciated your homily from Sunday May 16th. We plan on sending the link of the recording to our friends.
ReplyDeleteDave and Jamie Clark
Little freak is a great song.
ReplyDeleteBut maybe Usher needs an exorcist to save his soul.
I'm seeing the two clips from the Passion as the same scene - mind posting a link to the others you showed?
ReplyDeleteThe Google uploader doesn't work anymore - they've funneled all their video processing through Youtube, and Youtube has a pretty tough copyright policy, so I guess you'll just have to watch the whole movie for yourself, but hey, its Lent!
ReplyDeleteI don't mean to sound skeptical in any way, or as if I'm trying to prove this exist, but do you believe in the Illuminati at all? If you don't know what that is it is said to be an organization of famous celebrities (athletes, rappers, etc.) who sold their souls to the devil for fame and riches. In present day music, the belief of this organization is hard not to wonder about. With increasing sexual references (it seems as if every song references it), many people, even teenagers that attend my high school, thoroughly believe that this can be true and that they, the Illuminati, are going to take over the world and start a new world order. I just wanted to see the Church's standpoint on this and your own personal opinions
ReplyDeleteAlso, to follow up on my last question/comment, I was wondering if it is considered a sin to listen to this type of music? By this type I mean songs that curse, disgrace women, and the usual rap songs now-a-days.
ReplyDeleteFather Hollowell could you direct me to which scripture in the bible talks about Satan and his fooling the people into thinking he didn't exist. Thank you
ReplyDeleteIt isn't in the Bible, it is an observation - the Devil has convinced most in the world that he doesn't exist