Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pope Francis - Surfer Hippy?


  1. Excellent homily, Father! Thank you and may God reward you! Keeping you in my daily prayers.

  2. Every word of this video screams beauty and truth! The world needs to see this video - because no one has given a more beautiful, more spot on reflection of our new Pope. Let us continue to celebrate - Habemus Papam!!!

  3. I was particularly struck by verse 19 of today's ist reading from Isaiah:
    “For I am about to do a brand-new thing.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
    I will make a pathway through the wilderness for my people to come home.”
    Our Parish priest said that he had bene told the new Pope is too liberal, and by another, the Pope is too Conservative! He was also told this will be the end of the Church! It is amazing that people can make such judgements on the Holy Spirit's choice for a new shepherd. Thank you for your balanced sermon. God is indeed doing a new thing.

  4. wonderful, thank you

  5. Just like you explained, this video always explains how Pope Francis' love for the poor is not separate from "protecting creation":
