Sunday, October 27, 2024

"The preeminent issue is abortion..."

 A homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 2024

Our opening prayer at Mass this morning just a few minutes ago was “Lord, make us love what you command”

Why do we pray that?  Because all of God's commands to us are for our own good right now, right here...but we are always being tempted by Satan, so we need to ALWAYS be praying that we grow deeper in love with God asks of us.

On February 3, 1994 now SAINT Mother Teresa of Calcutta was the keynote speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast with President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary in attendance.

She said, in her remarks “The greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child, a direct killing of the innocent child by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?  the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion…We cannot solve all the problems in the world, but let us never tell people to practice contraception and abortion.”

Already in the Old Testament God tells the Israelites wandering in the desert that God is going to allow the Israelite people to conquer the current inhabitants because the current inhabitants were sacrifice their new-born children to a demon God by throwing their children into a fire and watching them burn to death. 

In the Old Testament, God also says “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you!”


Some here at this Mass may have had an abortion or helped someone obtain an abortion…God wants to forgive you if you have not already confessed it…God loves you!!!

The Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Catholic Church in the United States is the number one advocate in the country helping women who have had an abortion heal from it, offering the Sacrament of Confession and retreats for women who have had an abortion.

The Catholic Church and the crisis pregnancy centers around the country are also the number one organization in the country helping mothers of unplanned pregnancies take care of their children, offering classes, diapers, formula, cribs, clothing, financial assistance…whatever moms need we help them…and guess what would happen if you went to an abortion facility and tried to get any of that assistance?

Some in the Catholic Church have put forward “The seamless garment of life theory” that all issues of life are the same, but the Catholic Church has NEVER taught that all issues of life are the same weight.

The US Bishops at their annual meeting in Baltimore have overwhelmingly voted every year, including the document they put out for Catholic voting this year, that the threat of abortion should be every Catholic’s number one priority in the voting booth.

As St. Teresa of Calcutta reminded the United States 30 years ago, the GREATEST destroyer of peace is abortion. 

On the issue of abortion, God commands us to love every human life.  As we prayed at the beginning of Mass “Lord, make us love what you command!”