Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Two days ago, I officially crossed the 50,000 view mark for this blog! The counter at the bottom was installed a few months after I started, so the numbers are slightly off. Anyway, it has been absolutely amazing to see what God has done with this page. I really didn't think it would go anywhere and I NEVER would have started on my own; I really just started as a result of Pope Benedict asking priests to blog. It was a total obedience thing, but has turned out to be quite fun (and even those times that haven't been fun have still been HIGHLY informative!).

Thanks for checking up here, and I hope to continue to provide quality stuff here that hopefully brings people closer to Christ and His Church.

Suggestions for the future? Ideas for topics to cover? Whatever your ideas or comments are, I hope that by now I've established that I'm open to new ideas and suggestions. Thanks again for following along, and know that I pray for you all just as I ask for your prayers as well!

God bless!


  1. I would love to hear your thoughts on how we all pray to our father in heaven, but that is also Jesus? So many readings talk about Jesus praying to his Father. I just would like to know the official catholic believe.
    Thanks for everything you do.

  2. thanks for maintaining this blog Father Hollowell. My wife and I read it daily and we love it

  3. the counter at the bottom says 38,517? and anonymous @ 5:02: God IS Jesus!

  4. That's why I said in my post that I got the counter after I'd been blogging for a while. Google Blogger keeps track of a lot of statistics for my blog that only I can access, and one of those things is the number of times a person has visited from the beginning, and that number is at about 51,000 now. I should probably just delete the one at the bottom since it is inaccurate.

  5. @ Anonymous 5:02:
    Jesus and God are not the same people. God sent his son (Jesus). two different people.

  6. We should probably let Fr. Hollowell explain this since he is a priest and that's his job...but God is one God in three divine persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Each person is wholly God, but each person is also unique and distinct. It's the glorious mystery of the Trinity!
    Father, thank you so much for everything that you do!
    Could you possibly write another post on sacred music? Your others were awesome. God bless you!!!
