Monday, December 12, 2022

3rd Sunday of Advent at Saint Paul's


“Do not complain, brothers and sisters, about one another, that you may not be judged”


This weekend is called “rejoicing weekend” in the Church.  Rejoice or “Gaudete” in Latin is the first word of our Mass today.  And that “rejoice” comes from Saint Paul’s letter to the Philippians which he wrote while in Jail!!!


As we think about “rejoicing” this weekend, there are so many places in the New Testament where it says we will condemned if we use our mouth for gossip, slander, complaining, lying


And our second reading today from James is no different.  “Do not complain about one another that you may not be judged…”


Are we complaining about people?  Do we realize how much that destroys US???


One of the reasons I think God cautions so often in the New Testament against using our speech wrongly is because we are all given a certain amount of words to say in our life… God already knows the exact number of words that we will say in our lives.


And God wants us to use those number of words to rejoice.  That what this weekend in the Church is called…rejoicing weekend.


I have made a commitment over the past few years to use my mouth only to praise and thank God…and I go to confession any time I have fallen short.  Certainly there are times where people need to be corrected for a sin…and that is so hard for us to do face to face, but if we see or hear a brother or sister using their speech wrongly, let us have the courage to say something to that person’s face in charity…and not complain about that person when they leave.


Let us once again resolve tonight to not complain about each other…but let us use our words to rejoice in God…

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