Monday, April 15, 2024

You Can't Eat a Eucharistic Miracle


First Communion 2024


Dear young people, I have some bad news for you, but then I want to explain how it is good news.


Your first Eucharist that you will receive in just a few minutes will likely taste just like the 2 practice hosts that you received at practice a few days ago.  And a lot of Catholics and non-Catholics ask why the bread, when consecrated, does not turn into visible flesh and blood.


The good news is that the bread and wine, when a priest prays the words of consecration over them, still has the appearance of bread and wine so that we can still eat Him.


In the history of the Catholic Church there have been about 200 times where, at Mass, when the priest prayed over the bread and wine, the host did turn into human flesh and blood.  The problem is that then no one was able to consume Jesus.  The Flesh and Blood of Jesus were all put behind glass and preserved in some way.


So again, it is actually great news that Jesus comes to us under the APPEARANCE of bread so that we can still consume Him.


And He changes us, over time, into Himself.   That is why your parents and relatives who are here this morning need to keep bringing you back on Sundays and Holy Days…Jesus works on us slowly…the transformation into Jesus is a life-long process…

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