Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Holy Thursday Homily on the Priest Scandal
Here's a homily from a Holy Thursday Mass in 2010 that was on the priest abuse scandal. I'm posting it now so I can share it with someone who was interested in it. Hope it helps.
Every Holy Thursday, by mandate of the Church, the homily is
to focus on charity, the Eucharist and the priesthood. Given the atmosphere of things right now, I
want to spend most of my time focusing on the priesthood.
I love movies and so I watch a lot of previews online to see
which ones I really want to see.
I was recently watching one for an upcoming summer
blockbuster in which the villain said a phrase that really caught my
attention. He said – “If you can make
God bleed people will cease to believe in Him and there will be blood in the
water, and the sharks will come.”
The same applies to God’s Church. There are many out there who think that if
they can make the Church bleed, people will stop believing in it.
And OH, they have tried.
The attacks on the Church in the last two weeks would be sad if they
were not also a display of the most childish journalism.
1) The Indianapolis
Star published an article a few days ago on page 2 of the main section about
protests in London
calling for the Pope’s resignation. In
paragraph 7 that we learn it was a couple dozen protesters.
just returned last month from the March for Life, which saw 250,000 young
people protest the atrocities against life that our country commits daily, and not
a word in the star. 30 people stand on
the streets of London,
and they make national news. HUM
2) A little over a week ago, another article in the Star,
pretending to be balanced, talked about the abuse case that is now making
headlines and quoted two people on behalf of the Church. First, Hans Kung. What they didn’t say is that Hans Kung was
one of the few people to actually be forbidden to teach theology by Pope
Benedict when he was still a Cardinal.
Who honestly thinks that Hans Kung is going to speak on BEHALF of the
Catholic Church or Pope Benedict.
REALLY? Hans Kung?
The articles other voice “on behalf of the Church” was a
member of the “Voice of the Faithful.”
The Voice of the “Faithful” is a group of people who consider themselves
Catholic but who hate nearly every central teaching of the Church.
Those are the two voices who are supposed to give a balanced
perspective on the Church and celibacy??
The article also featured a juvenile understanding of things
Catholic, interchanging celibacy and chastity as if they were the same thing –
a pretty serious mistake when celibacy was the point of the article.
3) New York Times
writer Maureen Dowd has absolutely gone off the deep end with her story trying
to link Pope Benedict to a case in Wisconsin. I could spend 10 minutes debunking every lie
in her article, but many have charitably done so on the internet.
4) MSNBC published a
headline which they apologized for a day later which said “Pope Describes
Touching Boys: I Went Too Far.” The article had nothing to do with the pope. Was the headline an accident? To the
average person on the street who won’t care to follow up with the facts, can
that damage ever be repaired?
5) Cartoons in
editorials have been blatantly anti-Catholic and anti-priesthood throughout the
6) Newsweek magazine
recently published an article by Fr. Richard McBrien, a teacher at, surprise,
Notre Dame, who has been teaching outright against the Church for 4
decades. Again, a big shock that he
wasn’t exactly pro Church or pro priesthood.
6) The media machine
also loves to talk about a priest shortage (a sure sign that the priesthood is
dying out in their minds) – but the United States has one of the best
ratio of Catholics to priests in the world.
Are the numbers lower than the 50’s, yes, but that is because we had
more than we needed. A priest friend of
mine is a pastor of a parish with about 500 people in it. The rectory he lives in housed at least two
priests in the 50’s, perhaps three. My
priest friend has three parishes and manages just fine - those priests had one
parish. Is there a decline, or is the
situation just getting more realistic?
I could go on, but you’ve all seen the Church and the
priesthood dragged through the mud
Before moving on, let me here say for the first of many
times, the crimes committed against children by priests is sickening, needs to
be punished to the fullest extent of both Church and secular law, it needs to
be rooted out NOW. Any bishops that
knowingly protected those priests ought to resign instantly. This homily tonight is not about justification
of the tragedies that have happened in any way!
The question that does need to be raised here is this – do
the actions of this small portion of priests apply to the priesthood in
general? To the over 400,000 priests serving today.
A question here needs to be asked – what would motivate
people to attack the Church and the priesthood in this way?
Some just like seeing if they can move something that claims
to immovable by human beings
Some have genuinely been hurt by a member of the Church
But I suspect most see the Church as the last voice that
speaks out against contraception, abortion, wars of aggression, unjust social
structures, and unchecked greed.
The real battle here is between two competing views of what
sets human beings free. Atheists and
others who hate the Church particularly or Christianity in general like to
offer one view of freedom. They say, “If
we can just get rid of God and get rid of the Church, then human beings will be
truly free. They believe, ultimately,
that religion suffocates humanity and stifles its flowering. That view is contrasted with the view of the
Church. What sets humanity free in the
eyes of the Church is living as Christ showed us. The
two sides directly contradict the other, and so there is a war going on between
these two views of where true freedom lies.
We get a glimpse in tonight’s Gospel of those with the mindset
that religion suffocates humanity, and we see what perhaps motivates them.
Something VERY interesting happens. Peter says to Jesus, “You will NEVER
wash my feet.”
Why is Peter so offended?? – It is because the world is
safer where God does Godly things, and humans do human things.
If we keep God over there, in heaven, the good guy, the guy
who floats on a cloud, and if we are the human beings who are to simply
continue to wallow in the mire and the muck of our lives, then we don’t have to
go through the uncomfortable hassle of CHANGING, of SEEKING FORGIVENESS, OF
God, you stay over there, we say. Be Holy, fix things, send down hail and fire
if you want, just leave us alone. Be
God, and we will be human sinners.
We want, down deep, to be left to the madness of our
sins. We want there to be a divide
between the Holy and the Human.
So when Peter sees Christ on a knee, he freaks out. Lord, you will NEVER wash my feet!”
But with Christ’s words, we see the gravity of this
moment. Peter wasn’t just saying that to
Jesus to be nice. He meant what he said,
and we see the severity of the situation affirmed by Jesus when he says –
“Unless I wash you, you will have no inheritance with me.”
That human beings can stand in the place of Christ, and be
his presence in our midst through the sacraments is more than some can
handle. The Catholic Priesthood stands
in opposition to the divide between the Holy and the Human. The Priesthood reminds people that humans are
supposed to do God things, and that God works and does human things.
Priests are, in some ways, the last reminders to our world
of what Jesus was sent to do. A friend
of mine once said “You don’t get it, you are the last sign of the Church to
people out there.”
He didn’t mean me – he meant THE PRIESTHOOD. He meant this
white collar. The priesthood is not an
individual priest, it is something much more than that. Trust me, I know my own limitations very
well. Indeed, no doubt, some of you
probably wish I preached differently, or held my hands differently, or didn’t
chant, or smiled more, and I’m sure you have a list for Fr. Joe as well – much
shorter than mine of course! – and I’m sure he has a list of things for me that
he’d like to see changed! I, of course,
have no complaints for him! that myself
and Fr. Joe have shortcomings is the whole point that most of the world doesn’t
get. The Holy and the Human, through
Christ, through his Church, through his priests and through ALL OF US are to be
mingled. This mingling takes place most
notably through the Eucharist. We
receive him, and the Holy and the Human mingle.
Those that say to Christ – “You will never wash me” and who
want God to stay in Heaven so that they don’t have to change have to overcome
the priesthood itself. They have to
devalue the priesthood, they have to change it and bend it according to their
own will. The first thing they always
come after – celibacy. A great Church
historian once said that all the great attacks on the Church start by attacking
the priesthood and celibacy. That is
true from the earliest heresies through Arians, the Gnostics, the Agnostics,
the Lollards, the Jansenists, the Donatists, the Hussites, the Lutherans, and
now the dissenters of the Church and atheists.
The game plan has always been this – TOPPLE THE PRIESTHOOD AND WE TOPPLE
Celibacy is said to cause all the problems that we see right
now with the abuse cases. They hear not
just angry journalists but even some ex priests saying – “I made this vow in my
youth, and it just became more than I was expecting.” HELLO – does that sound like any marriages
any of you know about?? EVERY vow
becomes more than people bargained for.
Married Life, Religious Life, The Priesthood – it all is more difficult
and MORE rewarding if lived right, than people bargained for.
Also, those who hate the Church have always, throughout
history, sought to make the priesthood a club that anyone can join, because
they know that then it loses its power. They
portray the current priesthood as some rich boy’s club set up solely to keep
others out and preserve power. Let me
just say that that historian was right, when you meet someone who is trying to
change the Catholic priesthood into what they think it should be, you should
run far away from them because Heresy and Dissent and hatred of the Church follow
quickly in their footsteps. To those
people, the priesthood is no longer something that God gives as a gift to the
Church, it is something humanity makes for itself. The divide between the Holy and Human is
reestablished. Humanity is free to be
irresponsible and live however they want once again.
the Letter of the Hebrews in this morning’s office of
readings smashes the portrayal of priesthood as an “all are welcome club” to
pieces. Referring to the priesthood, St. Paul says “ONE DOES NOT
priesthood was established by Christ – about that the Scriptures are very
In the preparation of the Gifts, the priest pours water into
that which is still wine and says silently, “By the mingling of this water and wine
may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in
our humanity.” Priests are called in
every age by God to be signs that in Christ the Holy and the Human have
mingled. In the Eucharist, the Holy and
the Human have mingled. And in all of us
here, the Holy and the Human have mixed.
It is the Church’s vision of humanity which is meant to set us free. May we not settle for the vision of humanity
that those who hate the Church and want to devalue the priesthood offer up.
And so, we remember the words of that movie, “If we can make
God bleed, people will stop believing in Him.”
Well God has been bleeding for 2,000 years now, and His Church has been
bleeding for 2,000 years because it is full of people who sin. Some rejoice at the blood because they
believe it spells the end of God or of His Church or both, thus setting
humanity free to rule itself. We the
Church mourn our sins, but just as those who hate the Church, we too rejoice
over the fact that God is bleeding; we rejoice because Christ’s blood will win
us a freedom that those who hate the Church could never imagine.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
A SWOT Analysis of NCYC
This past week I brought 8 young people and two other
chaperones to my first NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) in
Indianapolis. I wanted to share my
thoughts on the experience.
1) The main reason I brought my young people to NCYC was
to see 25,000 other Catholics together praying and celebrating life
together. There are roughly 1,000 students at my local public school, and 8 of them are Catholic. That is obviously a pretty low ratio. NCYC, the March for Life, World Youth Day,
etc. are opportunities for young people to realize that they are not alone in
their Faith. This was certainly true for
my young people at NCYC. They were blown
away by the fact that so many other people their age share their Faith.
"You are not alone" - being with 25,000 other Catholics made it all worth it! |
2) The keynote speakers were amazing. Topics included bullying, loss of a loved
one, hurt, sin, disappointment, etc. If
you ever get the chance to hear Bob Perron, Jackie Francois Angel, or Ansel
Augustine, then do it. Also Matt Maher,
the only national Christian music performer that I personally like, was
great. Also a shout out to Archbishop
Tobin who was great both with our opening Mass for our Archdiocese, and also at
the closing Mass as well. Additionally,
Bishop Caggiano from Bridgeport gave an amazing reflection at one of the
morning prayer sessions that got everyone fired up!
1) The liturgy. I
have been telling my young people that most in the Catholic world seem to think
young people are “spiritually retarded” in the true sense of the word retarded –
like they have a ceiling and they can’t go to the next level and so they have
to be treated like children. It seems to
be that some think that Catholic teens can only handle real short bursts of “spiritual
things” so everything has to be flashy and showy. Archbishop Buechlein once noted that NCYC is “90%
show, and 10% content.” After my first
NCYC, I would wholeheartedly agree. I’m
not advocating 100% content, but perhaps we could move away from the 90/10
ratio and get closer to 50/50?
There was a “prayer session” one morning where a kid was
running around on the floor with a sheet over his head, and then a bunch of
kids on stage held up red sheets that were lit up, the lighting went berserk,
crazy music kicked in, and I thought, briefly, that I was watching the Beijing
Olympics opening ceremonies again. My kids turned to me several times throughout NCYC and asked "do they think we're spiritually retarded?"
![]() |
Pentecost? |
2) There was nothing for the young people on
homosexuality. There had to be over 100
breakout sessions and presentations over three days, and not one covered the
topic that our young people want to know about.
Bishops were reporting that the number one question they were fielding
in their panel discussions with young attendees was “what does the Church teach
about homosexuality.” Too bad the
conference didn’t try to address the issue with anything. That fact alone makes me very suspicious.
1) NCYC does a great job of getting young people in the
door. I remember walking up the steps of
Lucas Oil Stadium on the first night, and when our kids saw the lights and
heard the music and so forth, they went from walking lazily up the steps to
literally running for the doors to see what all the excitement was about. They were pumped up and drawn in. NCYC nailed that aspect of things. The opportunity, then, is to move the young people to a
new spot by the end of the conference so that, at the end of the conference, the teens recognize that they don’t
need such things to encounter God. It
seemed, though, that NCYC ended in exactly the same way that it began…that we
never moved away from entertainment…no one challenged the kids to move beyond
pyrotechnics. The problem with that is
that they leave the conference wondering “why can’t Mass be like that when I
get home?” The answer – because no
parish has 3 story tall jumbotrons and professional music. I’ve often described Protestant worship services
as pep rallies with no game to follow – they get you all jazzed up, but you’re
not quite sure what to do when they’re over, whereas the Catholic Mass is the
game. NCYC felt a lot like a good pep
rally, but there needs to be a bigger push to help the kids realize the deeper
realities of our Faith. They can handle
it, and they want to be shown those realities.
2) I didn’t hear much at all on the Eucharist nor did I
hear much on confession. Those are the
two things that any youth conference ought to be emphasizing and getting kids
to encounter, and I didn’t see that taking place, nor did I hear it from the
speakers. On Friday, the middle day of
the conference, my kids and I had to have Mass at the high school we were
staying at, and we had to have it at 7:30 in the morning because there was no
Mass scheduled at NCYC that day except during dinner. The two options at a National Catholic Youth
Conference should not be “dinner or Mass?”
1) Before the closing Mass, all the 200 or so priests
gathered and were chatting with one another.
It was a really good opportunity to meet a bunch of new guys from all
over the country as well as an opportunity to connect with guys that I had
studied with in the seminary. The OVERWHELMING
topic of conversation is exactly the same things I mentioned above. I probably heard 20 times “this is great for my
kids to see all these other Catholics…but it could be so much better.” I had never heard of Steubenville
Conferences, but a lot of the young priests in attendance (the vast majority of
the guys who were there) were talking about them telling me I needed to check
them out as well. After hearing about
them, I checked them out when I got home, and that will definitely be the next
thing I try to get my young people to attend.
I would say that from the looks of things, Steubenville Conferences seem
to be the biggest threat to NCYC at the moment.
In closing:
I’m sure that young priests can easily be dismissed as
crazed and conservative, but I would also ask that it be considered that
perhaps the reason we want the things we do is because we grew up in this
generation of young people, and maybe the things we are clamoring for come from
an actual awareness of what people from our generation need and want, and that
perhaps we’re not just a group of angry people who wear cassocks and talk about
the Eucharist and confession because we’re simple-minded foot soldiers of Pope
Benedict. This analysis is certainly
free to be dismissed, but I would say that Pope Francis recently called a “conservative”
Italian blogger and thanked him for his criticism. I certainly hope this can be received by the
leaders of NCYC, and that they continue to evolve and discern where the Holy Spirit might be leading them today.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
Rolling Stone Magazine and Politics? Please!
So maybe you heard the story out of San Francisco from Friday. I tweeted about it and shared it on my blog as well. If you haven't seen it, click here for the story.
Today, Planned Parenthood tweeted out the following
The tweet links to a Rolling Stones article about 10 congressman who want to, as they say in the article's title, which is a lie:
1) I am fascinated that Rolling Stone Magazine has a "politics" section. It would be similar to Oprah weighing in on the NFL or the NBA. Dear Rolling Stone mag, you guys do rock and roll. Stick to that, because politics and morality are apparently way beyond your pay grade.
2) The title is a lie because the kid is surely not on Obamacare already. Or was he one of the 7 that has been able to sign up so far?
3) What disgusting exploitation of an otherwise wonderful, heartwarming story. The Rolling Stone clowns and Planned Parenthood drones who retweeted the story are showing that they have absolutely no dignity.
Does anyone really believe that those working against Obamacare don't want people to be covered? Of course not. The trick for all people of good will in our country is to figure out how to do this smartly, and not simply drop a law on the heads of Americans that was not debated, not researched, and which, from the very beginning has been a mixture of deceit and technological incompetence of the highest order.
Planned Parenthood, thanks for allowing, once again, your demonic nature to shine through in all its glory.
Today, Planned Parenthood tweeted out the following
10 Republicans who cheered on #SFBatKid—and want to take away the law that ensures his access to health care:
— Planned Parenthood (@PPact) November 18, 2013
The tweet links to a Rolling Stones article about 10 congressman who want to, as they say in the article's title, which is a lie:
10 Republicans Who Cheered on Batkid, Want to Revoke His Obamacare
1) I am fascinated that Rolling Stone Magazine has a "politics" section. It would be similar to Oprah weighing in on the NFL or the NBA. Dear Rolling Stone mag, you guys do rock and roll. Stick to that, because politics and morality are apparently way beyond your pay grade.
2) The title is a lie because the kid is surely not on Obamacare already. Or was he one of the 7 that has been able to sign up so far?
3) What disgusting exploitation of an otherwise wonderful, heartwarming story. The Rolling Stone clowns and Planned Parenthood drones who retweeted the story are showing that they have absolutely no dignity.
Does anyone really believe that those working against Obamacare don't want people to be covered? Of course not. The trick for all people of good will in our country is to figure out how to do this smartly, and not simply drop a law on the heads of Americans that was not debated, not researched, and which, from the very beginning has been a mixture of deceit and technological incompetence of the highest order.
Planned Parenthood, thanks for allowing, once again, your demonic nature to shine through in all its glory.
I Have Some More Copies of My Book
In preparation for my ordination to the priesthood in 2009, I decided to put together a collection of stories and reflections on events that lead to my ordination as a Catholic priest. It was really nothing more than an attempt to explain to my family and friends why I "made the plunge."
If you would like a copy, I am asking for $20, and shipping is included in the $20. If you'd like a copy, please send a check to Fr. John Hollowell, 19 North Alabama Street, Brazil, IN, 47834. I promise I will put any money taken in through this to good use for the Church. I hope it helps people grow in their faith, and might also help any young men discerning the priesthood to take the plunge as well.
Millions of Catholics Celebrating Advent Two Months Early (satire)
Rome, Italy. Fr. Giuseppe Gnocchi, secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, today lamented a growing trend around the world - the premature celebration of Advent. "A not insignificant amount of Catholics are ignoring the Liturgical Calendar, and are instead celebrating Advent way in advance." Margie Hopkins of Pittsburgh noted, "This year, I had my Advent wreath up a week before Halloween."
Many Catholics are shirking the Church's calendar because they are seeking more silence and introspection. Jay Johnson from Cheyenne shared that "4 weeks isn't even close to the amount of time that I need to spiritually prepare for the birth of the King of Kings." Johnson says he celebrates a 12 week Advent.
Companies are planning to capitalize on the trend. Walgreens has announced plans to sell electronic Advent wreaths starting July 5th. Lowe's will also have an "Advent Wonderland" starting the day after Labor Day.
Many Catholics are shirking the Church's calendar because they are seeking more silence and introspection. Jay Johnson from Cheyenne shared that "4 weeks isn't even close to the amount of time that I need to spiritually prepare for the birth of the King of Kings." Johnson says he celebrates a 12 week Advent.
Companies are planning to capitalize on the trend. Walgreens has announced plans to sell electronic Advent wreaths starting July 5th. Lowe's will also have an "Advent Wonderland" starting the day after Labor Day.
Black Vestments, Suicide, and My Funeral
"Neglecting to face these realities and presuming the heavenly bliss of the faithful departed is a presumption that is rather lacking in charity in point of fact -- like presuming a sick family member is not so sick as to need care and tending and therefore going merrily along our way without regard for them or their current state."
- Shawn Tribe
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Some Cool Chants
This group came across my Pandora account, and I love their music. It is chant, but chant done with a little bit of regional flare. I thought I'd share two of their tracks. I highly encourage you to pick up the whole album. Yay Gregorian Chant!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
PROGRESS: Let's Paint the Picture that Every Woman Is a Sex Addict
Who saw this coming with Obamacare...oh wait, Pope Paul VI in 1968 and every sane Catholic sense then and every sane Catholic who has been seeking to reform Obamacare and the HHS mandate.
This is an ad that appeared in Colorado, sponsored by, ironically, PROGRESS Colorado. This is progress?
The idea that these clowns in the picture, or anyone like this, can't afford carcinogenic birth control pills is ludicrous. This ad goes to show that it really all has been about, from the beginning, Planned Parenthood's agenda vs. the Catholic Church's agenda, or the Devil's presence on Earth vs. Christ's presence on Earth.
It is also in times like these where I wonder how anyone can be a Christian but not a Catholic. The Catholic Church is the only Church that has been speaking out about this garbage, warning about it, and predicting stuff just like this. It is time for Christians out there to pick a side - the Devil or the Catholic Church...time is running out to tread water in between the two poles.
You can read the whole story by clicking here
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
"The Blessed Virgin is Appearing to This Guy...."
I get a lot of questions about new "prophets" that pop up on the internet. Even among Catholics these types of things seem to be enticing.
For example, one person sent me a link to "The Warning Second Coming" (click here to visit). When you go to visit it, which I advise you to do only once, you quickly see what is going on there.
Of course, there are things as well like "the Book of Truth", such-and-such lay person who is having visions out in Nebraska, a woman in France who Mary told the world would be coming to an end next Wednesday, a guy writing under the pseudonym "Daniel" from Pittsburgh who receives spiritual teachings from his pet frog, etc.
Not at nearly the same level of insanity we have miracles being reported at Medjugorie and so forth.
What is a person to make of all this?
Some of it is quite clearly hogwash. There have been lots of people writing "Books of Truth" both in our own times and in the past. The general rule - run as far away from "Books of Truth" as possible. There is one "Book of Truth" and we were promised there would NOT be a sequel.
I've seen the hogwash lead a lot more people away from the Faith than I've seen the hogwash lead people TO the Faith. As Jesus said: "By your fruits you will know them."
As for the stuff that seems like it MIGHT be of God, such as the apparitions at Medjudorie (which has not been recognized by the Church as authentic yet), here's my suggestion:
When you've read the Bible, the Catechism, and all the writings of all the saints, then you can look for supplemental spiritual literature from other writers and claimants to spiritual visions. Until then, however, I'd stick with the writings that have come from people we know are in Heaven.
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