Tuesday, February 12, 2013

WARP SPEED Mission Talk - Pope Benedict's Greatest Hits

After Jesus Christ and my parents, Pope Benedict has had more of an impact on me than any other human being.  Here is a homily/mission talk I gave last night on his "Greatest Hits."  He taught me how to cast out into the deep!

Here's the full version of the talk if you are interested in that.  It was one of those things where it was really powerful for me giving the talk and helped me a lot, and I feel like it was well-received by the parishioners as well.

Mission Talk - Pope Benedict's Greatest Hits from John Hollowell on Vimeo.


  1. I am very thankful for your talk because I was asked at work , in front of everyone, about this. I'm not the only catholic there, but thanks to you I was able to answer some of their questions.

  2. I agree, Benedict XVI is one of the most amazing guys I know. A great guy.
