Sunday, July 26, 2009

How About that Dialogue President Jenkins!!

President Obama, after pondering over all of the pro-life messages he received at Notre Dame during his dialogue-intensive visit, has decided to go ahead and try and quickly pass the most rediculous pro-abortion legislation ever to hit the house floor (under the guise of health care reform). "Let's not reduce each other to carricature and let's find common ground," the President reminded the nation's Catholics when introducing health-care reform similar to FOCA.

President Obama and President Jenkins also issued a joint statement reminding the bishops of the country that, "We can find common ground if we keep talking. We agree on a lot. Let's celebrate that common ground, and hope the rest goes away unnoticed!"

Notre Dame plans to invite Kim Jong Il and Iran's President Ahmenijab to campus next year for the second annual "Common Ground Festival."

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