Thursday, September 12, 2013

Why Would Anyone Home School?


  1. ...and, like, fer shure, they won't be 'socialized' like the adoring fans in this pic.

  2. I find this very concerning and sad actually. I am Roman Catholic and homeschool my two youngest sons and find this to be very sad indeed.

  3. thanks for the post.

    Homeschool parents are doing a great thing for their children. Amazing young minds are nurtured in homeschool settings.

  4. I home schooled my son for 7 years with the help of my parents and it was fun and son had a great time and learned many things especially through Catholic home was awesome...

  5. Home schooling - especially in today's social climate - could be described as a moral obligation. Things are so bad, however, that I'd venture to say that home schooling is the only common sense choice for anyone wanting to raise a child. That is raise a child, not just produce another slave for the state.

  6. Why would anyone home school? Well, I can tell you why we aren't homeschooling our children and that is because I know that I cannot give them the same high standard of education that our public school is giving them, especially now that our olders are entering middle and high school. I also like the fact that they are exposed to people who are different than us, religiously, economically, socially, etc. And, I like to have the time during the day to devote to my "littles" who are not yet in school and activities. Sure, sometimes the kids come home with stories of bad language, unmodest dress, and disrespect... but that's life. It fosters an opportunity for us to explain why we believe and act the way we do. We've had several conversations about Miley up there! If you choose to home school and it works for your family, that's great. But to say that it is a necessity for everyone is overreaching. I foresee all of our ( 8 and counting ) kids attending public schools.

  7. This post is directed toward those who criticize homeschooling, it isn't criticizing public or Catholic schools

  8. I think your example photo is ironic as Miley Cyrus was homeschooled. So it appears that you are saying that homeschoolers are like Miley? I'm confused.

    1. I think the point was that parents are criticized, when they homeschool, because their kids don't experience as much of the "culture"...and I think the photo is saying - "If that's the "culture" my kids are missing out on being exposed to, then thank God."
